On The Move is a free mini series developed and created by me, Jeanette Del Zio, director and head designer behind JDZ Designs. You may have noticed that we moved out of Sydney this year, this was not for a sea change, although that experience has been lovely, it was for my husbands work, which will be moving us around NSW from year to year ( or even every 6 months ) for the next 5 years! Yes, you read that correctly. You may need a minute to let that sink in, as it is such a big thing to wrap your head around. The full gravity of what that actually means for us, takes some time to register, it sure did for us! We only get it now that we are living through it, so now we know what it requires of us.
It means, becoming masters in packing, masters in styling, masters in renting and masters in organisation/time management. It is NOT a piece of cake to say the least.
So many of my lovely followers and friends have been dying to see what our home is like because well, I am an Interior Designer and with that comes the ultimate unspoken expectation that my house and furniture will be the best of the best and the nicest one around.
Hate to burst the bubble and please do not get me wrong, I work hard to practice what I preach, however the situation we are in, is far from conventional. It also means that I will not have a forever home for quite a while, so I need to get practical and smart with rental spaces for now. One of the huge advantages of this, is that I learn first hand what I really like and do not like out of spaces and homes. I work day and night on other people’s homes and what they love but have not spent a lot of time thinking about what I love and what we need out of a home. Fortunately, we have a beautiful rental at the moment that has given me a lot of time and space to experiment as well as shoot this mini series.
The mini series is a focus on Rental homes, how to make them into a space that actually feels like a home, especially when you are constantly on the move. How do you accomodate your furniture? How do you make it work with crappy carpet? What do you even look for when looking for a rental home? So many things to consider, so I have come up with 6 videos and topics that take you through what I believe has helped ME and US have this amazing little home that we call ours until February 2019. It’s FREE for 6 weeks and i’ll be posting on Instagram, IGTV and you tube. The first video will go live the first week of November and I am seriously excited.
If you hate your rental and have no idea how to style it… this series is for YOU!
If you are moving and looking for a place to stay … this series is for YOU!
If you have all these pieces but no longer work together because you just moved … this series is for YOU!
If you want to know how to style and make your home stylish on a budget while renting and respecting the property … this series is for YOU!
If you love interiors… this series is for YOU!
If you love property … this series is for YOU!